
Parking Lot Services Tips for Summer Maintenance

If you’re a commercial building owner or property manager, you know the importance of maintaining your property year round. This need for maintenance extends to your parking spaces, and parking lot services are always important. However, while many feel that maintenance is best undertaken during the winter months, there’s much that you can do in the summer to keep your lot in better shape year round. Here are the best parking lot services tips for summer maintenance, designed to keep your lot safe and in good condition while the sun’s shining.

Keep Aware of Your Lot’s Condition

It’s easy to feel that, since the summer brings warm temperatures, there’s no need to keep an eye on your lot for cracks. No freezing cold means no expanding asphalt, right? Well that’s true, but cracks can and do form in the summer as well — and catching them before the weather turns cold and damp can offer you opportunities to repair your lot at a point where those cracks are smaller — and cheaper!

Use Parking Lot Services to Keep Your Lot Free of Debris

Summers can be dry. That means your lot might not get as many opportunities to naturally clean itself of dirt and debris in the form of cleansing rains. Leaving detritus on your lot is a bad idea, as it can possibly cause damage to vehicles or offer opportunities to visitors to trip and fall, so keeping your lot free of debris makes it safer for everyone. Plus, a sparkling clean parking lot makes it much more attractive — and curb appeal definitely plays a role in keeping visitors happy!

Eliminate Standing Water with Extreme Prejudice

Even if your property is in a location with little summer precipitation, you’re bound to get a few summer storms rolling through. If you notice that there are some puddles that linger after these storms have come and gone, pay attention — these spots in your lot might need some TLC. It’s a bad idea to leave any standing water as this weakens the asphalt in these spots, leading to cracks and potholes forming much more quickly, so you might need some parking lot services like regrading to ensure that this standing water runs off and drains properly.

Refresh Any Striping or Paint

The summer is the perfect time to refresh any striping or paint on your parking lot. The hot sun will dry fresh paint in no time, and doing so will keep your lot safe, make it look more attractive and newer, and also ensure that you’re not in any violation of laws that require you to have clearly labeled handicapped parking stalls. You can’t repaint with three feet of snow on the ground, so strike while the iron is hot and you’ll be better off!

Summer Parking Lot Services and Maintenance is Never a Bad Idea

No matter what, you’re going to need to keep your parking lot in good shape. Ugly, broken lots are unattractive, they’re dangerous, and they’re just plain bad for your bottom line as a commercial property owner. Do yourself a favor and keep your parking lot maintained over the summer and you’ll have a lot less to worry about once the winter rolls around — and that’s a guarantee.